O agor fy llygaid i weled

(Trysorau y Gair) / (Y Dirgelwch rhyfeddol)
1,(2,(3,(4)));  1,2,4.
O agor fy llygaid i weled
  Dirgelwch dy arfaeth a'th air,
Mae'n well i mi gyfraith dy enau
  Na miloedd o arian ac aur;
Y ddaear â'n dân,
    a'i thrysorau,
  Ond geiriau fy Nuw fydd yr un;
Y bywyd tragwyddol yw 'nabod
  Fy Mhrynwr yn Dduw ac yn ddyn.     [MR]

Rhyfeddod a bery'n ddiddarfod
  Yw'r ffordd a gymerodd efe
I gadw pechadur colledig
  Drwy farw ei hun yn ei le;
Fe safodd fy Mrenin ei hunan,
  Gorchfygodd hiliogaeth y ddraig;
Ein Llywydd galluog ni ydyw:
  O Caned preswylwyr y graig.        [MR]

Daeth blwyddyn y caethion i ganu,
  Doed meibion y
      gaethglud ynghyd,
A seiniwn drwy'r
    nefoedd a'r ddaear
  Ogoniant i Brynwr y byd:
Mae Brenin y nef yn y fyddin,
  Gwae Satan a'i filwyr yn awr;
Trugaredd a hedd sy'n teyrnasu,
  Mae undeb rhwng nefoedd a llawr.   [MR]

Y llew o lwyth Juda, gorchfygodd,
  Pa elyn all sefyll o'i flaen?
Mae Sion yn teithio tu ag adre'
  Mewn cerbyd dychrynllyd o dân:
Bydd miloedd 
    o saint ac angelion
  Yn dorf ogoneddus ynghyd,
Yn canu rhyw anthem drag'wyddol
  O ogoniant i Brynwr y byd.         [MR]
Dirgelwch :: Gogoniant :: Trysorau
Y ddaear â'n :: A'r ddaear ar
Y bywyd tragwyddol :: A'r bywyd tragwyddol
Twry farw :: Drwy farw
hiliogaeth :: awdurdod
Llywydd :: Samson
A seiniwn :: Ni seiniwn
drwy'r nefoedd :: trwy'r nefoedd
                 - - - - -

O agor fy llygaid i weled
  Dirgelwch dy arfaeth a'th air,
Mae'n well i mi gyfraith dy enau
  Nâ miloedd o arian ac aur;
Y ddaear â'n dân,
    a'i thrysorau,
  Byth geiriau fy
      Nuw sydd yr un;
Y bywyd trag'wyddol yw 'nabod
  Fy Mhrynwr yn Dduw ac yn ddyn.     [MR]

Efe sydd yn cau ac yn agor,
  Efe sydd yn lladd,
      a bywhau;
Yr enaid mae Ef yn ei glwyfo,
  Mae'n sicr o dd'od i'w iachau;
I ddatod gweithredoedd y diafol,
  Daeth Brenin y nefoedd i lawr -
Cwymp, f'enaid, yn mreichiau'i drugaredd,
  Mae'n foddlawn dy dderbyn yn awr.  [MR]

                 - - - - -

O agor fy llygaid i weled
  Dirgelwch dy arfaeth a'th air;
Mae'n well imi gyfraith dy enau,
  Na miloedd o arian ac aur:
A'r ddaear ar dân,
    a'i thrysorau,
  Ond geiriau fy Nuw saif yr un:
Y bywyd tragwyddol yw 'nabod
  Fy Mhrynwr yn Dduw ac yn ddyn.     [MR]

O Dduw 'rhwn a roist yr Ysgrythyr
  Yn addysg a chysur i ni,
Rho d'Yspryd i agor ein golwg
  I'w deall, atolwg i Ti:
Gwna'm calon, mewn cariad a gobaith,
  Yn ufudd i'th gyfraith, fy Nuw,
Ac yna, pan ddarffo fy mywyd,
I wynfyd dwg f'yspryd i fyw.        [YFE]

I'r Drindod fendigaid ein moliant
  A rown, a gogoniant ar gân;
I'r Tad ac i'r Mab tragywyddol,
  I'r Yspryd Sancteiddiol a Glân;
Fel gynt cyn rhoi sylfaen y bydoedd,
  O'r dechreu yr oedd ac mae'n awr,
Y bydd eu pêr fawl yn oes oesoedd
  Yn seinio trwy nefoedd a llawr.   [YPs]
 [MR] : 1775 Morgan Rhys 1716-1779
[YFE]: Y Flwyddyn Eglwysig (Morris Williams) 1843
[YPs]: Y Psallwyr (Morris Williams) 1850

Tonau [9898D]:
Bethel (alaw Gymreig)
Cyfamod (alaw Gymreig)
Capel Newydd (W T Rees 1838-1904)
Eliot/Elliot (John Ellis 1760-1839)
Goudimel / Rendez à Dieu (L Bourgeois / C Goudimel)
  Tref y Clawdd (<1825)

  Mor hardd bu'r Prophwydi mor wresog
  O Iesu trugarog Fab Dafydd
  Rhyfeddod a bery'n ddiddarfod
  Rhyfeddod i Alpha ac Omega

(The Treasures of the Word) / (The wonderful Mystery)
O open my eyes to see
  The mystery of thy will and thy word,
Better for me is the law of thy mouth
  Than thousands of silver and gold;
The earth will become fire,
    and its treasures,
  But my God's words will be the same;
The eternal life is to recognize
  My Redeemer as God and man.

A wonder which will endure endlessly
  Is the way which he took
To save a lost sinner
  Through his own death in his place;
My King himself stood,
  Vanquished the offspring of the dragon;
Our mighty Leader is he:
  O let the inhabitants of the rock sing.

The year came for the captives to sing,
  Let the sons of the
      captivity come together,
And let us sound
    though the heavens and the earth
  The glory of the Redeemer of the world:
The King of heaven is in the army,
  The woe of Satan and his soldiers now;
Mercy and peace are reigning,
  There is union between heaven and earth.

The lion of the tribe of Judah, overcame,
  What enemy can stand before him?
Zion is travelling towards home
  In a terrible chariot of fire:
There will be thousands of
    saints and angels
  As a glorious multitude together,
Singing some eternal anthem
  Of glory to the Redeemer of the world.
The mystery of :: The glory of :: The treasures of
The earth will become :: And the earth on
The eternal life :: And the eternal life
offspring :: authority
Leader :: Samson
And let us sound :: We shall sound
                 - - - - -

O open my eyes to see
  The secret of thy purpose and thy word,
Better for me is the law of thy mouth
  Than thousands of silver and gold;
The earth will go on fire,
    with its treasures,
  Forever the words of my
      God shall be the same;
The life eternal is to know
  My Redeemer as God and as man.

He it is who is closing and opening,
  He it is who is killing,
      and making alive;
The soul that He is wounding,
  He is sure to come to heal it;
To undo the works of the devil,
  The King of heaven came down -
Fall, my soul, into the arms of his mercy,
  He is pleased to receive thee now.

                 - - - - -

O open my eyes to see
  The secret of thy purpose and thy word;
Better for me is the law of thy mouth,
  Than thousands of silver and gold:
The earth will go on fire,
    with its treasures,
  But my God's words shall stand the same:
The eternal life is to know
  My Redeemer as God and as man.

O God, the one who gavest the Scripture
  As teaching and comfort to us,
Give thy Sprit to open our sight
  To understand it, we implore thee:
Make my my heart, in love and hope,
  Obedient to thy law, my God,
And then, when my life expires,
  To blessedness bring my spirit to live.

To the blessed Trinity our praise
  We give, and glory in song;
To the Father and to the eternal Son,
  To the Sacred and Holy Spirit;
As formerly before the worlds' foundation,
  From the beginning it was and is now,
Shall be their pure praise forever and ever
  Sounding throughout heaven and earth.
tr. 2009,25 Richard B Gillion
Lord, open mine eyes to behold
  The worth of Thy wondrous decree:
Far better than silver and gold,
  The law of Thy mouth is to me:
The fire shall consume
    all below,
  But Thou art the same, and Thy plan -
'Tis life everlasting to know
  My Saviour as God and as Man.

O wonder of infinite cost!
  The way that He took in His grace,
To rescue a man that was lost,
  By dying Himself in His place!
He conquered the serpent's despite,
  And stood there alone as my King
He leadeth us now in His might -
  Let those on the Rock shout and sing.

The Mighty One has overcome,
  His foes in confusion retire;
And Zion is on its way home
  In terrible chariots of fire;
The saints and the
    angels unite,
  A white-shining numberless throng,
To bear through the realms of the light,
  To Him the all-conquering song.
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889  
I open my eyes to this vision,
  The deeps of Thy purpose and word;
The law of Thy lips is to thousands
  Of gold and of silver preferred;
When earth is consumed,
    and its treasure,
  God's words will
      unchanging remain,
And to know the God-man is my Saviour
  Is life everlasting to gain.
tr. The Story of the Hymns and Tunes 1906
T Brown & H Butterworth
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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